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Can you clean ducts that contain asbestos?

  • No you can not clean them

  • They need to be sealed, removed or left alone entirely

  • Cleaning them will disturb the fibres in the tape

If you have the following on or in your ducts, they can't be cleaned!

Asbestos wrap on duct work
Asbestos wrap on duct work
Asbestos inside supply vent
Asbestos wrap on duct
Sammi the dog
Broken items

Where should my pets be during the cleaning?

  • Dogs, cats, and other animals should be in a safe place like a kennel, or taken outside for a walk

  • Cleanings can be a stressful time for your animals and we do our best to be considerate

What can I do to prepare for a furnace cleaning? 

  • Please move all breakables away from supply vents and cold air returns

  • Move items such as lamps on end tables, art work, and picture frames

  • Please make sure area around furnace is clear and accessible approx. 3-4' all round when possible.

What can I do to prepare for a dryer vent cleaning? 

  • Please make sure the laundry room is accessible and tidy; sometimes we need to get inside to clean

  • If you have animals in the yard, please have them secured or put them in the house

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